Encuentros y Seminarios

Encuentros y Congresos AEPUM

Jornadas Internacionales de Formación a lo Largo de la Vida – Glasgow

  • Fecha Inicio: 09/05/2007
  • Fecha Fin: 11/05/2007

The University of Strathclyde, Senior Studies Institute is hosting an international conference on learning in later life from 9th to 11th May 2007 in Glasgow, Scotland. The theme of the conference is ‘A Legacy of Learning: sharing global experiences of learning in later life’.

The conference will feature international speakers from a wide range of organisations and disciplines, and will focus on the research and experience of those involved in senior’s education.

The conference will be of interest to academics, professionals, practitioners and older learners. Conference details, the call for papers and booking forms are attached. More details will be available on our website at


Please contact me if you require further information.

Brian McKechnie, Programmes Manager
Senior Studies Institute
University of Strathclyde
40 George Street
Glasgow G1 1QE, Scotland
Tel: 0044 (0)141 548 2492
Fax: 0044 (0)141 553 1270
Email: brian.mckechnie@strath.ac.uk